Kamis, 30 September 2010


Many people believe that life longer is a sign of happiness of the life. We can get many experiences and enjoy our life. Actually, not only lifestyle but also genetic factors and religion are important factors to make our life longer.
                The first thing that should be noted is lifestyle. Nowdays, junkfood is very popular foods. People think junkfood is more effective and efficient because they do not have much time to cook. It is a well-known fact that globalization era make us busier. Beside that, less of do sports exercises make our healthy worse. It is true that to compete in this era, we have to use our time as possible as we can, but do not forget to protect health. We must to eat nutritious foods, drink much mineral water, do sports exercises, and rest enough. On the other hand, positif thinking and feeling are good manners for our life. As a matter of fact, people who enjoy their job and have good relationship with others can life longer. There is a research that keep active our mind and make our daily activities relax with jokes can increase our age until 88%.
                Secondly, people life in old age depend on genetic factors. There is “Methuselah”. It is a gen that protect the human body from effects of cigarette, bad meal system, and many diseases such as cancer, heart ailment, diabetes, and hypertension. People who have this gen disolved glucose and fat with different ways. Their skin grew and ripened slower than the others. Eventough, medical cannot determine people who life longer.
                Thirdly, everything depend on the God. God establish human fate. Pray to the God well to life longer. However, God is the maker and ruler of the universe. We just can to protect health and do the good things.
                Everybody wants to life longer. That is why people do anything to reach it. Control our temperament, keep active our mind, make a friends, protect health, and pray to the God can help us to get old age. In summary, we can life longer if we do all in a good balance.

Mata duitan !

minggu lalu, Pu, teman saya-yang-paling-ceroboh, kehilangan STNK. Seminggu ini, dia dan teman-teman berusaha mencari STNK tersebut. Tak disangka-sangka, ternyata Fianico Sukmana Rozi, teman sekelas-yang-duduknya-disebelah Pu, menemukan benda yg plg berharga tsb.,fiuuhh lega ! Tapi ternyata malah timbul satu masalah baru lagi. ..Nico memberikan STNK tsb pada salah satu satpam jurusan 3J, yg masih satu fakultas dengan kami. Tanpa disangka si satpam said "mbak, ni klo di urus di kantor polisi bisa sampe 500rb lho "
what the jerk ! helloo...!!! ni satpam gila ! cak ! mso barange dewe kudu mbayar seh ! 
"oh..jadi saya harus membayar STNK-MILIK-SAYA ??"
Lebih kaget lagi, satpam super duper jelek beserta partnernya yg satpam cewe juga, menjawab "ya ,seikhlasnya saja mbak"
saya saja yang hanya temannya Pu, bukan si pemilik STNK, merasa sangat ingin menampar mukanya yang sudah kisut itu !
Pu kemudian sedikit menggertak dengan dalih mengurungkan niatnya untuk mengambil STNK tsb dan akan menghadap kajur untuk memastikan benar tidaknya statement-konyol si satpam.
Tentu saja si satpam berpikir 2 kali untuk meminta duit pada teman saya.

Saya teringat kejadian tahun lalu, saat ospek universitas. Dengan satpam yang sama, kami diharuskan membayar parkir di halaman kampus sendiri.

What is it means ???

Minggu, 05 September 2010

senior high school never end :-p

gag tw tiba-tiba kangen merekaaa....hiks hiks
kalian ada dalam tawa dan tangisku
meski aku benci saat kalian tertawa melihat poni baruku tapi aku tau. kalian tulus dan bahkan aku menyadari bahwa mama berbohong hanya demi menyenangkan hatiku karena memang poniku benar-benar jelek ,hahaha
kawan, karena kalian lah aku bersemangat dalam setiap langkah dalam hidupku, saat keluarga tak mampu memberiku cukup kesejukan.
bullshit bahwa persahabatan yang indah hanya dihiasi dengan tawa, maka dari itu janganlah khawatir bila terkadang perpecahan terjadi diantara kita, anggap saja biar lebih 'spicy'.

i love u all ,my old friends :-)

i'm looking for a FAITHFUL m.a.n

tak pernah menyangka sebelumnya bahwa ada begitu banyak warna abu-abu dalam pelangi rumahku...
ya. .kecuali banyak buaya bertopeng pangeran berkuda yang kukenal lepas dari istana tercintaku
kenapa...disaat aku memimpikan sosok yang kuyakini sebagai teladan terbaik sepanjang hidupku , justru disaat itulah aku merasa sebagai orang yang paling tolol. dusta dan dusta

but i'll try harder and stronger than before, i know GOD loves me

-elok sayang mama-

Jumat, 03 September 2010

you are nothing ! :)

SOMEHOW , i'm glad to be ur girlfriend .sorry , i was ur girlfriend 4 months ago..
yes, i loved u. but u've to know ,i'm an ordinary woman, every words u give to me just make me sad..i'm sure that u never know how sick i'm when u said everything u did was a joke.
im not as excited as before when u sent me a sweety message..
i dont need ur attention ..
why u did it to me...
. . .im really really hurts. . .

do u think u're my everything ? no, i don't think so, i found a way to be everything...without u..my tears are too precious for u

you are nothing

sometimes, stupid behaviour can make ur feet hurts


Pare,the best place to express ur act in bicycle. haha....disinilah saya bersama teman-teman `gila` saya mencari sebuah relaksasi yang luar biasa untuk menghilangkan syndrome grammarkism tingkat lanjut. Mengayuh sepeda dengan kekuatan penuh di lintasan GP-garuda park (hehe)- hingga center of Pare, sebutan paling keren untuk menyebut alun-alun Pare :-p .Dalam waktu yang bersamaan, terlintas di benak saya untuk menunjukkan who u are !!! yeah !!! Dasar bocah nakal (sebelumnya berbohong pada ibuk kost dengan dalih keluar malam untuk mengerjakan tugas), saya pun ber-atraksi dengan gaya yang belum pernah masuk rekor MURI sebelumnya. ``jeng....jeng....!!!!``
*!&^%$!@$!!! Dengan sangat sukses, telapak kaki kanan saya 'melukai' jeruji ban belakang sepeda.

wake me up !

long time to see ..hy how many clothes have u made during this time ,girlz?! nothing..
it's about the way you show ur sorrow and happiness. .let's compose ur diary n ur mind :)

wake me up !