Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Educational Issue in Indonesia

One of the most important issues in society today is about educational in Indonesia. As a develop country, Indonesia has evolved the curriculum itself. But, as time goes by, there are some problems in its curriculum, it isn’t about how good the curriculum we are going to use, but how we can arrange the system. It is worth stating from the outset that some reasons why it becomes more complicated, the effectiveness, efficiency, and educational standardization.
                Effective education is an education that make students easy and fun to learn the subjects and be able to do it so the goals can be achieved. The important thing we should note is there are no specific goals before the learning process is started. It brings to the next problem, becomes a complex learning system. Most people in Indonesia do believe that the higher formal education we take, the higher prestige we get. Actually, that mindset cause the effectiveness in Indonesia is very low. Everysingle in this world has a special talent, but in Indonesia, many cases happen because the parents force their children to take what they want, not appropriate with their talent, so it influences the development of educational itself.
                Efficiency is how to make an effectivity from the goal with the ‘cheaper’ process. People here do not focus on the progress and the knowledge. They just concentrate on the ‘certificate’. On the other side, the teacher do not have a good enough ability and the cost of educational in Indonesia is more expensive than other countries. The quality does not balance with its cost. Not only cost but also the time, the curriculum force the student to learn continuously. It has bad effect for their growth. Indonesia has already changed the curriculum many times, and it makes the problems more complicated because it is just wasting the time and money.
                Nowdays, the standardization of educational in Indonesia seems only focus on the competence, not the progress of knowledges. How we can increase the human resources if we do not understand the real meaning of teach and learn ? Hopefully, this country can be changed as soon as possible for the better future.

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