Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

on my lonesome at new years' eve

nothing special tonight,,see the lights of heroes city
it doesn't matter of who the one beside me now
i know there is a missing piece in my heart
fireworks should makes me blithesome
Thank God, 
for the blissfulness You give me to me, it makes me smile
for the dumps, it makes me stronger
for the temptations, it makes me know how well i stepped
for the loves, it makes me know what the true loves are and the wrong one
for the imperfections, it makes me know how appreciate me for all of Your graces
it's impossible if i wanna be perfect
i just wanna be always hoping and trying to get what the best for me
hope is a dream that doesn't sleep
a lot of secrets You made for me, 
and i'm ready to catch it ;-)

happy new year 2011

Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

aku lupa bahwa 'egg' adalah telur ,.it's you

Memalukan memang bila aku mengintrospeksi semua yang telah kulakukan. Ada seorang sahabat memberi nasehat, "cintailah seseorang secukupnya saja dan jika membenci seseorang, bencilah sewajarnya saja". Kedewasaanku rupanya harus melalui beberapa tahap yang mungkin harus kulewati dengan banyak penyesalan. Roda kehidupan tak selalu berada diatas, begitupun juga yang dibawah . . 
Kata-kata baik bisa menjadi buruk, kata-kata buruk pun bisa berubah menjadi baik. . Bodohnya aku mencari-cari sebuah kebenaran ditempat yang tak bisa kulihat. Sekali lagi waktu yang memulihkannya, Tuhan memberi aku kesempatan untuk mengubahnya menjadi lebih baik, tapi lagi-lagi aku membuangnya sia-sia. Dengan cara yang lebih menyakitkan. Aku tak mengetahuinya, pasti kau merasa sakit...maaf
365 hari berlalu. tak ada musim kemarau tahun ini, hanya ada hujan dan angin juga kabut tebalnya yang cukup mewarnai kehidupan baruku tanpa dirimu. Tiap tetes air hujan meluruhkan keangkuhanku. Tak ada lagi yang bisa menghapus air mataku selain hujan, tak ada lagi puisi-puisi romantis yang membuatku terkesima, tak ada lagi pesan-pesan singkat yang membuatku kesal. Mereka yang ku pikir lebih indah, tak lebih hanyalah sebuah fatamorgana yang berujung dengan luka. .Masih segar dalam ingatanku lagu-lagu yang pernah kau tawarkan untukku. Aku menangis. Ku meminta pada Tuhan agar kelak aku masih bisa mendengar renyah suaramu, melihat tingkahmu yang sok puitis (aku sangat merindukanmu)
Banyak rahasia Tuhan yang membuka hatiku bagaimana aku harus melangkah, meniti kehidupan. Seperti kemarin, meski aku terdiam, sesungguhnya kebahagiaanku tak bisa kulukiskan dengan tatanan alphabet. Masih ku melihat sosok yang pernah ada di hati. Namun semuanya kini berbalik. Aku tak menyalahkan siapa-siapa, bahkan waktu. Inilah yang disebut dengan takdir dan karma.

Senin, 20 Desember 2010

sedikitcerita*on vacation

dinginnya kota apel membuka cerita masa lalu
masih ku melihat sosok yang pernah membekas dihati
tapi kini dengan cerita yang berbeda
dayaku tak mampu memanggil hatimu
ingin ku ucap maaf atas segala luka yang pernah ku toreh
bahkan seribu maaf tak akan mampu menghapusnya

aku merindumu. . .

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

kalau ada putih kenapa harus ada hitam ?

kala pagi memanggil dan mentari menyapa, aku paham dengaan sadarku bahwa kini dambaan hati tak lagi bisa berbagi. kudengar bisikan entah dari mana, aku berusaha membuka lembaran masa lalu dan membenahi beberapa coretan hitam didalamnya .Kemudian aku bicara dengan Tuhanku, saat ini Kau mengujiku dengan segala kuasaMu. Iman dan jiwa ini ku pertaruhkan demi sebuah takdir yang telah Kau gariskan. Dan sebagai konklusi terakhir, biarkan waktu yang memberi nilai akhir .
dering telepon genggam beserta semua celoteh permainan cinta didalamnya tak ku hiraukan .menggelikan .mendung mendung ini rupanya tak lagi berkawan denganku .bagaimanapun juga aku bersyukur atas apa yang Tuhanku berikan .akan ada banyak hal-hal baik yang kan menyambut di balik pintu kesedihan ini .tak adil rasanya bila hanya membanding-bandingkan .membuang buang waktu. emosiku rupanya belum mengijinkan aku untuk menerima apa yang ku sebut 'kepuasan hati' .

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

hope that next year i still alive

sedikit penyeselan menyeruak kala aku memutuskan untuk membatalkan mudikku kali ini (tak ada jadwal nonton grbeg suro dalam scheduleku th ini)
seandainya ada pintu kemana saja milik doremaon atau aku punya pesawat pribadi, semuanya pasti mudah
ah, berkhayal !
sayangnya tulang-tulangku ini tak mampu bertahan dalam radius lebih dari 200 km
ya beginilah jadinya,,
online di 214, ditemani leppy sepupuku dan hingga akhir waktunya "sheila"
terbunuh sepi.....
tak ku acuhkan telepon genggamku,
bosan aku menunggu ia berdering
tak ada siapa-siapa
ya iyalah, status single ini yang membuat ia bertingkah seperti itu
*aduuhh...naga diperutku berkoar-koar-tanda minta diberi makan,hufft
teringat hutang jajanku, lima ratus rupiah...
naga ini menggodaku untuk menambah pundi-pundi hutang
come on !!! hey, naga ! kau membuatku tambah bulat tau !
pikirkan yang lain....hmmm
oya,,perdana kerjaku !!!
aku harus bagaimana ya...
become a teacher for kids
bahkan aku memilih menjadi member MLM daripada harus menghadapi seorang native kecil,hiks !
tidak,tidak,tidak !
you must be brave !
that is why you grow up..to face the world..okey
fokus yang lain...hmm

i can't...hiks hiks ,,im starving --' ,okelah ,to be continue

Rabu, 24 November 2010

waiting for nothing

it must be a nice day when i got up and looked my mobile phone at 00.00 am
i don't know what i have to feel, happy or not
sacrificed the tears, but i still loving you, and you don't care at all
so ridiculous when i wrote my comments on ur facebook and easily, you deleted it
it should makes me understand from the very start...
i won't make your life harder just because i  forced you to remind this feeling
i try to keep it inside my head , but i can't
i just wanna know, whether you still remember me or not
it was late night
i cried why i couldn't be the only one for you
could you feel how difficult the way i take to fix these troubles?
twenty fifth november becomes my intuition to wipe the battle
keep on running and fight the bad feeling

masih di asrama, *curhat

khayalan ini mengantarkanku dalam sebuah pesona permainan rasa yang tak pernah kurasakan sebelumnya
sorot mata itu menjadi titik awal ku melangkah
menjadikannya sebuah inspirator dalam jiwa yang sepi
jam pasir terus berputar, begitupun sang rembulan, berganti dari sabit ke purnama
gersangnya ladang ilmu menjelma sebagai saksi bisu di setiap tragedi
siapa aku, siapa dia, dan siapa mereka
kunikmati setiap celah keramaian orang-orang bahasa dan seni, begitu mereka menyebutnya
entah apa yang merasuk dalam ruh ini hingga banyak yang menyalah artikan maksud hati
belum ku dapat jawaban yang sesungguhnya
mungkin nanti, besok, atau lusa
kubiarkan sang waktu menyimpan rahasia
aku tak pernah khawatir
sebab, Dia Yang Diatas tahu apa yang baik dan apa yang buruk untukku

Senin, 22 November 2010

*senin malam, ditemani langit tanpa bintang

november rain
aku menyebutnya hujan
namun hujan ini sama sekali tak berkawan
aku biasa menangis dalam hujan
karena ia yang akan menjadi topengku dalam keramaian
entah ini karma atau bukan
yang pasti november memberiku banyak kejutan
tak jauh berbeda dengan tahun lalu dan dua tahun yang lalu
layaknya de javu
untuk sesaat menawarkan senyum
tapi sesungguhnya hanyalah omong kosong dan tangisan pilu
orang-orang itu ....
seakan-akan tak pernah melihatku
aku disini
dengan hati
aku disini
merasakan setiap hembus angin dan hangatnya mentari
aku disini
menapaki hidup dengan  langkah-langkah yang pasti
aku disini
hidup, bukan seperti barang mati
lelah ku berusaha menutupi sandiwara murahan ini
y Tuhan...
kirimkanlah aku jibril atau ridwan
ah, jangan. . .
tak pantas ku dapat sapaan sang ridwan
aku hanyalah pendosa yang selalu mengeluh
ku merasa seperti akan jatuh...
namun keyakinanku tak akan pernah berhenti
kan kulakukan hal-hal sulit 
seperti yang Engkau suratkan kepadaku
aku berdoa untuk segala kebaikan mereka, dan untukku, amin...

Rabu, 17 November 2010

aku malu !

abisnya km lucu siy, palagi yg pz ktemu di gg 7
NO !!!!
ah , kupikir kau rabun senja !
apakah benar-benar terlihat ???
pasti aku terlihat begitu konyol !!
aku memang tak berbakat jadi detektif
dan aku juga bukan anak polisi
ya sudahlah....
silakan kau tertawa sepuasmu

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

description text (person)

Mom Thea
It was my first day as university student. The lecturers looked like big boss. They brought big backpack, formal shirt, and of course their English like native speaker. It was hard to memorize their name one by one, but there was one lecturer who had special appearance on my mind. She was Mom Thea.
She is totally different from other lecturers. She is one of senior lecturers in English department. Her age is about 70 years old. When I met her for the first time, I thought she was a foreign. She speaks English very well, with good speech and pronunciation. She was so funny when she told us a story. I am interested and excited with her accent, just like Mr. Bean movie and Friends the series on television. Not only because of her accent but also her style, I am sure that everyone thinks she is an American when they hear Mom Thea speaks.
Mom Thea has a unique style. She has medium height, white complexion skin, and short white-hair. Sometimes, it seems like a blonde hair. Her small brown-eyes, a sharp well-formed nose, and thin lips are enough to make her look like American. She is still beautiful though her skin is getting old because she always make-up her face with powder and nice lipstick, so she looks more attractive on her 70 years old. She never wears strange clothes, ordinary simply shirts and trousers with soft motif. What a pretty old woman. She said that now, because of her age, she must use eyeglasses to help her sight and a small particular thing on her ear to help her hearing. “It was like noises, rumbling in my ears”, Mom Thea said.
            Mom Thea is my special lecturer. There is a secret on her. Somehow, she is my lecturer, but I am bored when she is starting a story in the class. I do not know why, she probably does not sense that we are sleepy with her telling story. However, her experience in education is really great. Actually, she is the only lecturer who never coming late in our class, although her slow steps show her age. Hopefully, other lecturers do the same discipline like Mom Thea.

Jumat, 12 November 2010

home sweet home, pagiku yang cantik

tak sama dengan pagi-pagisebelumnya
ada yang berbeda dengan pagiku hari ini
mentari menyapa disela-sela gorden warna merah jambu
punggungku nyaman, kurasakan empuk yang berbeda dari asrama
"mbak, tangi .wes isuk.."
suara khas ini, ya...suara dari cowok anak-baru-gede, adikku...
perlahan kubuka mataku, dan kudengar mereka
aku suka keributan ini....
mama yang sibuk menyiapkan pakain merah-putih si bungsu kelas 6 SD
papa yang bingung dengan tenisnya
si ABG nakal dengan pakainnya yang amburadul
dan suara mesin cuci, pertanda bahwa aku harus bergegas bangun
tentu saja menjadi pembantu dirumah sendiri, hahaha
sambil menyusuri tiap titik istanaku
kunikmati mangga manis hasil dari kebun sendiri
wangi rerumputan dihalaman
menjadi inspirasiku tuk segera menyelesaikan tugas kampus
aku harus membayar mahal semua ini dengan lelah yang kurasakan
tak mengapa, karena inilah kebahagiaanku...

november 12nd 2010, depan komputer kamar papa, 9:59 am

secret admirer

sepuluh november, begitu mudah ku mengingatnya
bukan...ini bukan obrolan hari pahlawan atau orasi pro kontra Obama di Jakarta
ini tentang cerita ditengah ricuhnya dosen yang kerap kali 'mengosongkan' jam kuliah
skenario 'kebetulan' dari tangan Tuhan membuatku tak kuasa tuk mengacuhkan tatapan nakalmu
laboratorium bahasa, toilet cowok dan kursi keramik lantai 2 yang sama sekali gak elit menjadi awal cerita di kampus bahasaku
embel-embel freshman darimu sama sekali tak kuhiraukan
dan bahkan tentang kepercayaan hidup
tanpa rasional ku menikmati setiap langkahmu
kurasa inilah anugrah
aku takkan memasukkan kosakata dosa agar semua ini tak berakhir
tak apalah,
karena inilah inspirasi pagiku. . . :-)

Kamis, 11 November 2010

bad mood

it seems like i have no chance to reach what i want
im alone in the crowded
keep smiling though the tears felt down
just stand up and looking for the blank
what should i do...
people said monday is the bad day ,,
but i dont think so, cuz THURSDAY is the worse...
no pleasure
no something interesting
no satisfied and
no love...
okay , let me write what i feel, just blaming my self..
whatever people said, i dont care...you're not me
just now i got messages
it was a joy,but it was completely made me in blue
helloww !!!`u are successfully become a foolish girl
how could u put your hope there...
and now you're craying ???huh ??
God, am i wrong ??
it's so difficult....
no more anniversary...fucking wishes on her birthday
i hate november...
i try to forget this sorrow
gathered my grace
and making this mountain move
recover the shadow
God loves me :')

Rabu, 10 November 2010

who are you...

R for rebelious
U for unpredictable
D for damn ! you rocked my mind
for irrational

i don't know who u are, just stand up on the second floor and saw what u did
but u know exactly how to make me wonder
yes, i really love the way u look at me :-)


Example of Similes

As agile as a monkey
As alike as two peas in a pod
As annoying as nails scratching against a chalkboard.
As bald as a baby's backside
As bald as a badger
As bald as a coot
As beautiful as nature
As big as a boat
As big as a bus
As big as an elephant
As black as a sweep
As black as coal
As black as one is painted
As black as pitch
As blind as a bat
As blind as a mole
As bold as brass
As brave as a lion
As bright as a button
As bright as a new pin
As bright as day
As bright as the sun
As busy as a beaver
As busy as a bee
As busy as a cat on a hot tin roof
As calm as a millpond
As clear as a bell
As clean as a hound's tooth
As clean as a whistle
As clear as crystal
As clear as mud
As cold as ice
As common as dirt
As cool as a cucumber
As crazy as a loon
As cunning as a fox
As cute as a baby
As cute as a button
As cute as a cup cake
As damp as the salty blue ocean
As dead as a doornail
As dead as the dodo
As deaf as a post
As delicate as a flower
As dense as a brick
As different as chalk from cheese
As drunk as a lord
As dry as a bone
As dry as dust
As dull as dishwater
As easy as A.B.C.
As easy as pie
As fast as a racecar
As fat as a hippo
As fat as a pig
As fit as a fiddle
As flat as a pancake
As free as a bird
As fresh as a daisy
As funny as a balloon
As gentle as a lamb As good as gold
As hairy as an ape
As happy as a clown
As happy as a lark
As happy as Larry
As happy as a rat with a gold tooth
As hard as nails
As hard as rock
As high as a kite
As hoarse as a crow
As hot as a fire cracker
As hot as hell
As hungry as a bear
As hungry as a wolf
As innocent as a lamb
As keen as mustard
As large as life
As light as a feather
As light as air
As likely as not
As loud as a lion
As lowly as a worm
As mad as a hatter
As mad as a hornet
As mad as the march hare
As merry as a cricket
As modest as a maiden
As much use as a yard of pump water
As naked as a baby
As neat as a pin
As nutty as a fruitcake
As obstinate as a mule
As old as dirt
As old as the hills
As pale as death
As pale as a ghost
As patient as Job
As plain as day
As pleased as Punch
As poor as a church mouse
As poor as dirt
As pretty as a picture
As proud as a peacock
As pure as snow
As pure as the driven snow
As quick as a wink
As quick as lightning
As quick as silver
As quiet as a mouse
As rich as gold
As right as rain
As round as a barrel
As round as a circle
As round as a sphere
As safe as houses
As scarce as hen's teeth
As sensitive as a flower
As sharp as a needle
As sharp as a razor
As sick as a dog
As sick as a parrt
As silent as the dead
As silent as the grave
As silly as a goose
As sleepy as a koala
As slippery as an eel
As slow as molasses
As slow as a snail
As slow as a tortoise
As slow as a turtle
As slow as a wet weekend
As sly as a fox
As smart as an owl
As smooth as silk
As snug as a bug in a rug
As sober as a judge
As soft as a baby's bottom
As solid as a rock
As solid as the ground we stand on
As sound as a bell
As sour as vinegar
As steady as a rock
As sticky as jam
As stiff as a board
As still as death
As straight as an arrow
As strong as an ox
As stubborn as a mule
As sturdy as an oak
As sure as death and taxes
As sweet as honey
As tall as a giraffe
As tight as a drum
As thick as a brick
As thin as a rake
As thin as a toothpick
As timid as a rabbit
As tiny as a grain of sand
As tough as leather
As tough as nails
As tough as old boots
As tricky as a box of monkeys
As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party
As white as a ghost
As white as a sheet
As white as snow
As wise as Solomon
As wise as an owl
Worked as hard as an alabama cottonpicker


            I agree with that statement. Why? Because smoking is one of the biggest causes of preventable disease and premature death. Smoking makes somebody addictive, because of nicotine which is found naturally in tobacco. I know, it can produce pleasant feelings that make the smoker want to smoke more and more. But, we have to know what kinds impacts of smoking. There are many impacts which are caused by smoking.
First, it causes cancer. As we know, and almost all people know that smoking can cause lung cancer. But, few of them know that smoking can cause many other kinds of cancer too, including cancer of the mouth, voice box (larynx), throat (pharynx), esophagus, bladder, kidney, pancreas, cervix, stomach, and some leukemia’s. Statistics show that for those people who smoke at least two packets of cigarettes a day, one in seven of them will die because of lung cancer.
Second, it causes heart attack. One of the causes of heart attack is smoking. Smokers are twice as likely to die from heart attack as are non-smokers.
Third, it causes infant death syndrome. Studies show that possibility of infant mortality is 50 % higher when the mother smokes than in case of non-smoking mothers. The impact of smoking is that smoking will lead to sudden infant death syndrome.
Fourth, it causes impotence. The damage caused by smoking to male sexual health also includes: reduce volume of ejaculate, lowered sperm count and abnormal sperm shape.
Fifth, it spends much money. The prospect of health is a major reason for quitting, but there is other reason too. Smoking is expensive. And it needs costs for health, life insurance, and health care costs.

Silly act can endanger our health

                Last month, on August, I had a little accident in Pare. At that time, my friends and I were surrounding town square by bicycle. We did that because we were so confused with all of our activity and we just had six days before we went home, so we looked for something interesting.
                It was so fun. Each of us showed our biking style. There were many people looked at us. One of my friends was standing up on his bicycle. Then, I talked to my self, “Elok, you have to give a different style to them.” Suddenly, when I tried to make it, my foot was hurt because of my act. I wanted put my feet into the back of my bicycle. My foot got into the velg, and brakk !!! I fell down. Firstly, I didn’t shocked and I couldn’t cry because that wound was too hurts. That was a silly accident, even my friends laughed and they didn’t believe in me. But finally, I was ridden by my friend. They helped me and picked me up till in my boarding house.
                Three days later, my foot couldn’t move well and I decided to go home as soon as possible. When I was home, my mom and I went to the doctor to check up my foot. Actually, I got wrong massage and I let it without any treatment, so the wound was getting worse. I regretted why I did that silly act. My doctor told me and laughed at me that I was like a child. Because of that accident, I couldn’t went to Surabaya and absent from my class for one week. I promise to keep my act.
28-08-2010, Alun-alun Pare, Kediri

paragraph of narative writing

The legend of Hachiko
           There was an Akita - one of dog species- lost way in Shibuya station. It was found by a professor. At that time, the professor tried to looking for the owner of the dog. He took the dog for a while and made an advertisement in order to find whose dog belongs to is.
           Days go by and there was no one who admitted the dog, so the professor accepted it as his friend. He found a name at its necklace, Hachiko. The dog was Hachiko. Hachiko was different from other dogs. He never did something acts like caught or got the ball back. Hachiko always followed the professor wherever he went. The professor loved Hachiko so much. He spent all the time with Hachiko. Everyday, when the professor came back from his work, Hachiko was waiting for him in Shibuya station. He helped him and made his life much brighter.
           One day, the professor went to his college, normally as his activity before. There was an accident went he taught his students. Suddenly, he got coronary and passed away. His wife and friends was in blue because of it. The professor was a wise man.
Hachiko could not realize it. He just waited for the professor in front of Shibuya station as usual. The professor’s daughter brought Hachiko and took care of him. But Hachiko always came back to the station and still waited for the professor, faithfully. Hachiko had not given up hope. He did not care with anything that people did to make him left the station. Even Hachiko passed his time fully to find the professor, until the end of his life. What Hachiko did inspiration people in Shibuya. He made them knew about what the true love and faithfulness are. Then, they made Hachiko statue to appreciate Hachiko.

an outline of Hachiko Statue

This is an example of the outline of narative paragraph

Topic                     : Legend from abroad, Hachiko Statue
There was an Akita lost way in Shibuya station.
He was found by a professor and the professor tried to find whose the dog belongs to is.
                The professor took the dog for a while until he found the owner of the dog.
                The dog was Hachiko. The professor found his name from his necklace.
                Days go by and no one admitted Hachiko.
                The professor became the new owner of Hachiko.
                Hachiko and the professor loved each other.
                Suddenly, the professor passed away because he got a coronary.
                Hachiko still waited for the professor in Shibuya station.
                The professor’s daughter tried to get Hachiko and took care of him, replaced the professor.
                Hachiko did not care and spent all of his life to find the professor in station until he died.
                What Hachiko had done inspirated people and made them knew about true love and faithfulness.

Minggu, 07 November 2010

Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL)

The Direct Method
The Direct Method is similar to the Grammar-Translation Method, it have been applied by language teachers for many years. The goals of them is students learn how to communicate in the target language. In learning process, both teachers and students interaction each others and associate vocabularies, to be conveyed directly in the target language through the use of demonstration and visual aids, with no recourse to the students’ native language. There are some techniques: reading aloud; question and answer exercise; getting students to self-correct; conversation practice; fill-in-the-blank exercise; dictation; map drawing; and paragraph writing.

The Audio-Lingual Method
The Audio-Lingual Method drills students in the use of grammatical sentence patterns, has a strong theoretical base in linguistics and psychology. The way to acquire the sentence patterns of the target language was through conditioning-helping learners to respond correctly to stimuli through shaping and reinforcement. The goal is to enable students to communicate .The teacher uses only the target language and provides the students with cues. Mistakes are avoided. The teacher teach how to produce perfect sentences, so grammar and pronounciation are good. But the students are not creative. Dialog memorization, repetition, chain, transformation, and question-and-answer drills are techniques of ALM.

The Grammar Translation Method    
The Grammar-Translation Methods (GTM) is a technique that has been used by language teachers for many years. It was used for the purpose of helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature. There are some techniques of GTM : translation of a literary passage; reading comprehension questions; find antonyms and synonyms of reading passage; cognates; deductive and inductive application of rule; fill-in-the-blanks with new vocabulary and grammar; use of new vocabularies in sentences; and composition. These ways will make students become more accustomed to the grammar and vocabularies, so it will help them speak and write their native language better.

Community Language Learning
Community Language Learning advises teachers to consider their students as ‘whole persons’. Adults often feel threatened with a new learning situation so CLL helps them overcome their negative feelings and turn them into positive energy to further their learning by understanding students’ fears and being sensitive to them. The teacher understands what the student say. The goal is to learn how to use the target language communicatively. The techniques are tape recording student conversation, transcription, reflection on experience, reflective listening, human computer ,and small group tasks.  These techniques depend on consistent with sustaining a respectful, non-defensive relationship between teacher and students. 

Total Physical Response 
TPR is methods that can make students enjoy their experience in learning to communicate in a target language. Creating a low affective filter and a good classroom atmosphere are keys to develop flexibility students in understanding of target language. Teachers speaking and the students responding nonverbally. Spoken language should be emphasized over written language. Firstly, it introduced in the students native’s language, after that, meaning made clear through body movements. Errors are occurring, and the teachers should tolerant because students get more advanced of it. Some techniques are: using commands to direct behavior, role reversal, and action sequence.

what's love ?

Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal attachment to an object such as God, thing, person, animal, etc. In the other hand, love is what we do to an object as the attraction of self-sacrifice, empathy, interest, tenderness, obedient, and be willing to do everything what the object want. It has three different components: intimacy, commitment, and passion

Love is irrational, sincere, unconditional, and indefinite. Many people die because of love. They said that love is blind. They do anything to make it real, even bring them to a melancholy  and feel unhappy. Whatever they thought , actually, true love is love that makes our life much brighter.

love is what we pay